A selection of my projects.

Varulve, Valkyrier & Andre Mytologiske Væsner. A Mythology book containing the most known creatures from different mythologies and cultures.

An example of the books content.

Once im done with this one I´ll make one called “Valhalla” where I focus on the Northern gods and environment.

Bondegårdsferien – Der Hvor Kødet Kommer Fra (The Farm Holiday)

A family from Copenhagen is having a cozy summer holiday on a Jutlandian cattle farm. Fishing in the little stream, pony riding and local food but they make a disturbing discovery when they open one of the freezers in the barn. The holiday soon turns into a fight for survival.

My computergame concept.

This is the playable charakter in my game. A warrior ant who was choosen to find The New World a better place to build the colony, so the colonys scientist invent this super combat suit that gives the Warrior Ant amazing powers and the ability to fight insects 10 times his size and lift 100 times his own weight on his amazing journey through gardens, junkyards, streets and streams.

Read more about it on the Warrior Ant page.


A poem I once wrote.

Hear more shortstories on my Youtube channel /Dobermannfilm

Urban Renewal in Randers!

Here is my idea for urban renewal in Randers, the city of horses, where I came screaming into this world in the Lord’s year 1982 on a stormy night in April. Today I´ve got my greasy fingers on “The Draugr Pack” for my favorite game (In the whole world!) “Assassin’s Creed – Valhalla” and couldn’t resist playing around a bit in Photoshop…

1: Draugr on the Town Hall Square (Sorry Niels Ebbesen…But you have to follow the times)

2: Hell Horse on Østervold (Nice little mount for the Grim Reaper)

It is a “Memento Mori” Kinda thing…

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